Friday, February 19, 2010

Life is Moving Fast

This is my bitch session... if it stresses you out, quit reading.

Right now, I'm insanely busy. My wife is pregnant. The baby is due mid April but we may take him out a bit early. So at home we are getting the house ready. My home office has moved into the master bedroom. The 3 year old has moved into my office and we are trying to turn his old room into a nursury. My 3 bedroom, 2200 square foot house once seemed enormous to me but now seems way too small. I'm thinking of buying my parent's house in Cincinnati when they move into a new house that they are currently building. In the meantime, at work my 5 year information systems project is coming to a head with our first North American implementation going live next week at one manufacturing plant in Mexico and one in Indiana. My company originally asked me to be in Mexico the entire month of March, which I refused. I absolutely will not be out of the country during my wife's 3rd tri-mester. At the same time, we are preparing to role the new systems out in 6 more plants in July. So, I am on the road more than ever. After July, I don't have any idea what I'll be doing at work. My project will be done. They want me to either work in California or Canada both of which would suck as I'd only be home on the weekends. I'm sick of being on the road. Anybody know of any good paying ERP or logistics jobs in Cincinatti?

I'll be working from home next week and in Indiana the following week. When I return, they will make a decision on when to induce labor on my wife. And I am taking off a week whenever the baby is born.... plus it'll be hard for the company to get me out of my home office for a while.

But anway, the point I am trying to make is that my life is crazy busy right now. I've got more work on my plate than any normal person plus more than I can get done at home on the weekends.

And throughout all of this, I am dieting.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

May Induce Early

We went to the specialist doctor on Monday.  Everything is looking good.  We are to return on March 15th.  At that time they will check on the baby's development and potentially schedule a date to induce.  The plan is to take BJ off of the blood thinners a week before she gives birth and to induce so-as to have more control over timing. 

By the way, her 16 year old sister was checked for the MTHFR mutation and has it on both X chromosomes.  Needless to say, she is a bit worried.  But we are glad to know now so that if she ever decides to get pregnant later in life, that she will be able to treat the condition.