Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A friend loses their baby at 4 months...

A co-worker of my wife was pregnant and due at almost the same time as us. She started bleeding on Friday at an office Christmas party. On Monday, we learned that she lost her baby. She was 4 months pregnant. My wife was very upset by this. We'd thought we were past the roughest part of the pregnancy. I think that this may make her doubt whether or not everything will be okay. I'm not sure what caused the co-worker's loss. However, I'm trying my best to keep my wife optimistic. We do our ultrasound on Friday. This will hopefully put us at ease.
A few days later, our friend said, "Its hard to say goodbye when you've never met." They named the baby. A funeral plot was donated by a local cemetery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep your chins up. I'm sure that there are many people out here, like me, who don't even know you, but are reading along and wishing you the best.

You "three" will make it. Think possitive.