Wednesday, October 12, 2005

10th Week

We are in our tenth week! My wife and I are still a little cautious about getting too excited. We are not discussing baby names yet. My parents gave us a baby seat to bring to the car dealership when we shop for our car. Seeing it sitting in the living room is a great reminder as to what is to come.
Her 2nd doctors visit is tomorrow. I'm still uncertain what this visit entails. I'm sad that I am unable to go with her.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10th week! I am very excited for you all, and I'm also encouraged for myself.

I should find out today what my homosysteine level is, and I'm visiting with a high risk doctor tomorrow.

What was your wife's homosysteine level? Is she going to a high risk doctor? Where does she give herself the shot? (I think that would be difficult for me to do)

Deb said...

I've been following your story --and praying for you!

God bless!

Daron said...

Fran, I do not have your e-mail address. So I'm replying here in hopes you read this. We had the homocystein levels checked early on. They were okay then. Now, we are uncertain what the level is. The shots are given in her stomach. They sometimes leave large bruises. And, yes, they hurt. But it should be worth it. Our doctor is not a "high risk" doctor but seems pretty good regardless. They are treating the pregnancy as high risk, however.

Anonymous said...

I know a perfect name....Sherry if it is a girl.