Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Our Doctor Moves
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Gall Bladder Attacks
Friday, May 12, 2006
Blog Conclusion
I have not had to travel with work for about a month! And, I have been allowed to work out of my house during this entire time! While I usually lock myself in the guest bedroom to work, it is nice to see Skylar and my wife during breaks and at lunch. I feel very blessed by the entire arrangement. Due to changes at work, my future travel will probably be reduced to one or two weeks a month. I will be in Nashville for four days next week and possibly in France the first week of June.
Sabastian, our chocolate lab, is also doing great. He is already very protective of Skylar. Each time Skylar makes a noise, Sabastian runs over to check on him. He's being very gentle and only steeling an occasional puppy dog kiss.
I am now going to call this blog complete. My wife and I greatly appreciate all of your e-mails and comments. It was very comforting to know that we were not alone. Please feel free to post comments and continue to write e-mails. If my wife ever becomes pregnant, I will begin posting again. For updates on how Skylar is doing, please click on this link to his new blog:
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Skylar Joseph is born
Weight: 7 lbs, 5 oz.
Length: 20 in.
Head: 33 cm
Chest: 32 cm
He is perfectly healthy. We get to take him home Saturday morning.

Brandi, my wife, is doing well also. We'll give more details in a future post.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
More Preparations...
Today has been very busy. I went to Brandi's work to help pack up her things and carry them home. When we got home, I put in our car seat bases. Then, we washed the dog. And, now at 8:30 PM, we are just finishing cleaning the upstairs of our house. The bathrooms will have to wait. Tomorrow, we go to Florence, KY to see my family for Easter. I will be working from home on Monday and Tuesday. Brandi's mom will be coming up Tuesday. Wednesday morning, we have an appointment at 7:30 AM to begin the labor induction.
In all of our haste to get everything ready, we've forgotten something very important. We have not selected a pediatrician! Labor is to be induced on Wednesday. Yet, we completely forgot to ask our OBGYN for a recommendation. I guess we'll have to call him on Monday...
(some words in this post are intentionally misspelled to avoid adolt content blockers)
Friday, April 14, 2006
5 days to go...
This afternoon, I picked up a glider that Brandi had picked out. It isn't a perfect match for the room, but it's a nice piece of furniture.

Saturday, April 08, 2006
Nursery Room Almost Ready

Friday, April 07, 2006
Inducing Wed. April 19th, 2006
The week of April 17th, I was scheduled to be in Nashville for a planning week. We were supposed to be working on developing project plans for the next phase of our projects. My boss was originally to be away that week because his wife was pregnant and due April 20th. But, his baby was born early. Therefore, my boss will take my place during the week of April 17th. It's not the ideal week to miss, but there's no way they'd be able to make me go. I'll probably take a week's vacation when the baby is born and then work from home one or two weeks thereafter.
After the doctor's appointment, Brandi, her mother, her sister, and myself went shopping. We bought several items from our registry that we'd not yet received as gifts. I think that we've got the necessities covered. It seems like no matter how much stuff we buy that there is always more stuff we supposedly need. We live in such a materialistic society. I keep thinking back to my cultural anthropology class in college. In that class, we studied many different culture's perspectives on childbirth and child rearing. I don't know if he's lucky to be born in our culture or if all of our materialistic stuff will simply weigh him down and spoil him rotten.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
More sick days...
Monday, April 03, 2006
Question: Treatment Results
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Week 34 - Another Doctor's Visit
Friday, we went for another doctors visit. Our prescription was changed from one shot of Lovenox daily to two shots of Heparin daily. We are having trouble getting the prescription filled because it calls for pre-filled needles and nobody seems to stock it this way. So, we're continuing with the left-over Lovenox until Monday when we discuss the prescription with our doctor. The advantage of the Heparin is that it is supposed to be easily reversed if there is much bleeding during the birth.
We're still working on getting the nursery room ready. I'll post pictures when it is done.
In 2 weeks, we will go back and have another ultrasound done.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
The Shower

Thursday, March 16, 2006
Baby Shower this Weekend
Friday, March 10, 2006
Childbirth Class
Monday, March 06, 2006
The Father Dreams
Sunday, February 26, 2006
"At First Sight" by Nicholas Sparks
Week 29 - Doctors Visit
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Valentines Day
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Prescription Problems
Friday, February 10, 2006
To work or not to work
My wife is in her first year of teaching. Even if she continues working, the birth will lead into summer. So, the first few months are not an issue.
Another factor is that she is not currently teaching the classes she wants. Her degree is for middle school English and history. However, she got stuck teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in a rather rough neighborhood. At this school, 87% of the students qualify for free lunch and 13% qualify for discounted lunches (that's 100% qualifying for government assistance). Many of her students are simply waiting until they are old enough to drop out. Needless to say, this is a difficult job. If she gets offered a job teaching English or history, she'd probably take it.
Decisions, decisions....
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Baby Registry
Click here to go to the website for the registry:

Monday, January 30, 2006
I felt it kick!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Doctors and Births
My wife's cousin just had a baby tonight... 9 pounds, 7 ounces. It sounds like it was a rather difficult birth. But the baby is healthy.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
The Baby's Room
Friday, January 13, 2006
Non-Gender Specific Names
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Week 22 - Holiday Travel for Kicks
I was driving down the road and she let out a little yell, "aw!". I swerved, thinking I was about to be hit by another driver. She then let out another yelp, "ew!".
I swerved again and asked, "What are you doing? Did I almost hit someone or something?"
She replied, "I think I felt it kick!".
The kicks have become a little more pronounced and more frequent. We hope to return to Kansas with a baby this summer. My grandmother is 95 years old and I'd love for her to see the baby.